

Datasheet updated 2024-08-19 11:35 (supersedes all previous editions)

Disclaimer: Recommendations are for guidance only, and the suitability of a material for a specific application can be confirmed only when we know the actual service conditions. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This datasheet is only valid for materials under the trademark Kanthal®.

NiMn2 is a nickel/manganese grade designed for use at temperatures up to 1000°C. This grade of material is commonly used for electrical resistor terminations.

The addition of Mn to pure nickel brings much improved resistance to sulphur attack at elevated temperatures and improves strength and hardness, without appreciable reduction of ductility.

Disclaimer: Recommendations are for guidance only, and the suitability of a material for a specific application can be confirmed only when we know the actual service conditions. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This datasheet is only valid for materials under the trademark Kanthal®.

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