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Electric car bottom furnace offers control and flexibility

ELECTRIC CAR BOTTOM FURNACE GIVES MORE CONTROL AND BETTER FLEXIBILITY Using Fibrothal® heating modules, Kanthal has built a car bottom furnace powered entirely by electric heating. It provides flexibility to operate with precise control over a broad temperature range and with low energy losses

Incredible heating power in a walking beam furnace

INCREDIBLE HEATING POWER IN A WALKING BEAM FURNACE At its plant in Hallstahammar, Sweden, Kanthal’s fully electric walking beam furnace has been providing clean, efficient and reliable billet heating for over 30 years.   The benefits of an electric walking beam furnace Kanthal’s ingot rolling

Electrification in primary aluminum

ELECTRIFICATION IN PRIMARY ALUMINUM The aluminum industry is in a bind. Global demand shows no sign of slowing, yet there is a growing need to reduce emissions in its carbon-intensive production processes. A switch from gas burners to electrification could be part of the answer. Aluminum is

A better alternative to nickel

A BETTER ALTERNATIVE TO NICKEL Sharp increases in the price of nickel and uncertainty about future supply mean that right now is the perfect opportunity for furnace builders and end-users to explore alternatives to nickel-chromium tubes. Kanthal® APM and Kanthal® APMT for example, can

An electrifying transition in lithium hydroxide processing

Tees Valley Lithium’s goal is to remove fossil fuels from battery production at what is planned to be the world’s largest lithium hydroxide refining facility.

Energieeffizienz ist der Schlüssel zur Nachhaltigkeit

Energieeffizienz ist eine der schnellsten Möglichkeiten für die Prozessindustrie, Geld zu sparen, Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und den wachsenden Energiebedarf zu decken.

Kanthal launches 60 kW flow heater to meet higher power demands

Kanthal is adding a 60 kW heater to its range of flow heaters to meet demands for higher power in industries like aluminum and glass. The 60 kW Kanthal® Flow Heater is targeted mainly at the aluminum and glass industries, which typically have high power demands and use open flame torches in

Join us at Green Steel World and start your electrification journey

The electrification of heating processes is a smart way to reduce CO2 emissions from your steel production, while improving both efficiency and the work environment. At Green Steel World, Kanthal will show you what you can already do today. Electrifying your furnace has never been easier As one

Wachsender Bedarf an Lithium-Ionen-Batterien decken

Die schnell wachsende Produktion von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien wird einen Dominoeffekt auf die Nachfrage nach Schlüsselkomponenten wie Kathodenmaterial haben.


Extrudierte Rohre aus Kanthal FeCrAl-Legierungen für gasbeheizte oder elektrisch beheizte Öfen für einen Einsatz bis 1250 °C.

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