How to form a strip heating element

Categorie: Elementi riscaldanti , Materiali resistivi , Materiali di riscaldo , Tutorial

Welcome into our element workshop where we meet Stephen Smee and Kanthal material expert, Torbjörn Frankén. Together they walk us through how to form a Kanthal AF strip element, what to think about and what to watch out for. For more “How to” videos, follow our YouTube channel.

In short:

  • Store your strips in room temperature.
  • Always preheat Kanthal® and other FeCrAl alloy strips before forming them. This avoids any breakage.
  • Preheat to about 200 degrees Celcius.
  • Don’t forget to wear your safety gloves!
  • Test the elements to make sure that there are no cracks.
  • A crack will show up as a white spot.
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