Kanthal employee benefits: Meet Cedric

He enjoys a long list of employee benefits at Kanthal, Germany, and has even been able to make some extra cash for recruiting a friend.  

We spend around a third of our entire lives at work and therefore more time than we usually spend with our partners, families or friends. For me it’s important to have an environment where you can have both. Fun at work but also respect the fact that you have a family you are responsible for. I started almost ten years ago at Kanthal as a design engineer and over the years Kanthal has put a lot of effort into my development so that I recently became a production engineer. Kanthal cares for their employees and it’s really important to them that you develop the best you can.

At Kanthal Germany, we have a 20-page booklet documenting our benefits. I believe I’m using around 80 percent of them. Some are unique like the company pension plan, and the kindergarten subsidy clearly underlines the importance of at Kanthal.

I would categorize the benefits in four sections: Safety and health, employee development, top-up payments and flexible working models.

When it comes to the last point, you can work 50 percent from home. I currently don't use this option, but I can at any time. Another benefit is getting a work bike, which makes an important contribution to the environment.

For me it’s very important to enjoy my work. Kanthal Germany offers a lot of extra activities. Once a year you can participate in a health day, which includes different sporting activities. It’s a totally different atmosphere and it feels like you are sitting there with your friends, not just your work colleagues.

Oh, and we have another benefit: if you support the human resource team and recruit someone to Kanthal, you get €500. And If he or she passes the probationary period, you’ll get another €500. I’ve done it twice actually and it’s a great opportunity to earn some extra money.

I felt at home at Kanthal right from the start and I could imagine staying with the company until I retire. 


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About Cedric

Age: 35 years 

Title: Mechanical engineer 

Facility: Kanthal,Walldorf, Germany 

Started: 2015 

Family: Wife, 3 year-old daughter 

Hobbies: Spending time with the family, videogames, guitar, squash