559 résultats

559 résultats pour toutes les pages dans le site web entier


Content: Kanthal® A-1 and Kanthal® APM Kanthal® A, Kanthal® AF and Kanthal® AE Kanthal® D Alkrothal® Nikrothal® 80, Nikrothal® TE and Nikrothal® 70 Nikrothal® 60 Nikrothal® 40 and Nikrothal® 20 Nifethal® 70 Nifethal® 52 Cuprothal®

Product varieties

Rod Wire Strip Ribbon Welded tubes Extruded tubes Straightened wire Kanthal® APM • • • • • Kanthal® A-1 • • • • Kanthal® A • • • Kanthal® D • • • • • Kanthal® DT • • • • • Kanthal® AF • • • • • Kanthal® AE • • • Alkrothal® • • • • • Nikrothal® 80 • •

How to form a strip heating element

Welcome into our element workshop where we meet Stephen Smee and Kanthal material expert, Torbjörn Frankén. Together they walk us through how to form a Kanthal AF strip element, what to think about and what to watch out for. For more “How to” videos, follow our YouTube channel. In short:

Suspended element type

Content: Suspended coils Suspended straight wires and ribbons Open mica elements Zigzag elements Porcupine elements Coils immersed in water The wire is suspended freely between insulated points and is exposed to the mechanical stress caused by its own weight, its own spring force and in some

Supported element type

Content: Ceramic cartridge elements Other ceramic elements Quartz tube heaters Bead insulated coils String elements The wire, normally in coil form, is situated on the surface, in a groove or a hole of the electrical insulating material. Generally Kanthal® AE, Kanthal® AF and Nikrothal®

Embedded element type

Content: Coils in grooved metal plates Cartridge elements, powder filled Heating cables and rope heaters Mica elements The wire in the embedded element type is completely surrounded by solid or granular insulating material. Metal sheathed tubular elements Kanthal® D is generally the best

Delivery forms appliance wire

In order to avoid transport damage all goods are carefully packed in cardboard boxes or wooden cases, with suitable internal protection. Content: Ribbon Rods Other resistance alloys - Cuprothal® RESISTANCE HEATING ALLOYS – KANTHAL®, ALKROTHAL®, NIKROTHAL® AND NIFETHAL® Wire

Standard tolerances

Standard tolerances for wire and ribbon are given below. Size tolerances do not apply to material manufactured to resistance tolerances and vice-versa. Tolerances on electrical resistance RESISTANCE OF WIRE AT 20°C (68°F) Diameter ≤ 0.127 mm (0.005 in) ± 8%. All dimensions > 0.127


TUBOTHAL® – THE MOST POWERFUL METALLIC ELEMENT SYSTEM Tubothal® is an ideal electric element used in combination with powder metallurgy tubes because of its great advantages, such as – very high power – long life – low weight – easy to design to existing power controls and supply. Combined

Key data for Kanthal® elements

Wire elements Element systems Spiral Spiral Porcupine Rod over bend Corrugated Looped Supports Ceramic tubes Grooves Ceramic tubes Metallic rods Metallic staples Ceramic tubes Material Sillimanite Chamotte grade 28 Sillimanite Kanthal® APM U-shaped Kanthal® nails Sillimanite Max.

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