Catégories: Matériaux chauffants , Matériaux de résistance
In order to avoid transport damage all goods are carefully packed in cardboard boxes or wooden cases, with suitable internal protection.

Other resistance alloys - Cuprothal®



CaptionSpool (B 1, B 2, B 4).Wire of ≤1.63 mm (0.064 in) is delivered on spools, such as shown in the figure. Only one length of wire is wound on each spool.

Wire sizes between 0.40 and 1.63 mm (0.016–0.064 in) can be supplied in round pail packs (drums) such as shown in the table below.

Wire sizes >1.65 mm (0.065 in) is normally supplied incoils with an inner diameter of approx. 500–600 mm (19.7–23.6 in).

Types of wire spools

Spool Tare Spool measurements Wire diameter Capacity approx.
No. g lb D mm D in D mm D in D1 mm D1 in L mm L in L mm L in mm in kg Ib
B 1 100 0.22 75 2.95 40 1.57 16 0.63 120 4.72 100 3.94 0.10 – 0.19 0.004 – 0.007 1 2.2
B 2 115 0.25 90 3.54 40 1.57 16 0.63 120 4.72 100 3.94 0.20 – 0.24 0.008 – 0.009 2 4.4
B 4 180 0.40 120 4.72 50 1.97 16 0.63 120 4.72 100 3.94 0.25 –1.00 0.010 – 0.039 4 8.8
DIN 200 600 1.32 200 7.87 125 4.92 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.16 –1.20 0.006 – 0.047 10 22.0
DIN 250 1050 2.31 250 9.84 160 6.30 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.30 –1.63 0.012 – 0.064 20 44.1
DIN 355 1850 4.08 355 13.98 224 8.82 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.50 –1.63 0.022 – 0.064 40 88.2

CaptionPail pack.

Types of wire pails (drum pack)

Pail Tare Pail measurements Wire diameter Capacity approx.
No. g lb D, outer mm in D, inner mm in Height mm in Material mm in kg ib
P 50 2600 5.7 508 20.0 330 13.0 150 5.9 plastic 0.40 –1.63 0.016 – 0.064 33 73
P 100 3500 7.7 508 20.0 330 13.0 250 9.8 plastic 0.40 –1.63 0.016 – 0.064 50 110
P 200 8500 18.7 500 19.7 300 11.8 520 20.5 cardboard 0.80 –1.63 0.031 – 0.064 160 –240 352 – 529
P 350 10000 22.0 500 19.7 300 11.8 820 32.3 cardboard 0.80 –1.63 0.031 – 0.064 250 –400 551 – 882


Ribbon is normally supplied on DIN 125 spools. Sizes of section ≥0.3 mm2 (0.0005 in2) are wound on DIN 100 spools. If requested, the smallest sizes can be supplied on DIN 80 spools.


Available shaved or unshaved depending on the alloy.

Types of ribbon spools

Spool Tare Spool measurements Capacity Kanthal® Capacity Nikrothal®
No. g Ib D mm D in D mm D in D1 mm D1 in L mm L in L mm L in kg Ib kg Ib
DIN 80 70 0.15 80 3.15 50 1.97 16 0.63 80 3.15 64 2.52 0.7 1.5 0.8 1.8
DIN 100 125 0.28 100 3.94 63 2.48 16 0.63 100 3.94 80 3.15 1.5 3.3 1.9 4.2
DIN 125 200 0.44 125 4.92 80 3.15 16 0.63 125 4.92 100 3.94 3 6.6 3.5 7.7
DIN 200 600 1.32 200 7.87 125 4.92 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 12 26.5 13 28.7


The wire is normally packed as shown below. Wire and ribbon can also be specially packed to individual requirements. To provide additional protection to the materials, spools are wrapped with plastic film or closed in plastic boxes.


Wire ≤1.63 mm (0.064 in) is available on spools. At the request of the customer, wire can also be supplied in pails.

Wire dimensions from 1.63 to 6.0 mm (0.064– 0.236 in) are available in coils. The inner diameter of the coil is 500 to 600 mm (19.7–23.6 in) depending on the alloy type and the diameter.


Available as shaved or not shaved depending on the alloy. Wire from 2.00 mm up to 8.0 mm (0.079–0.031 in) can be straightened in random or fixed lengths.

Straight lengths are supplied in bundles.

Types of spools for Cuprothal®

Spool Tare Spool measurements, mm (in) Wire diameter Nominal wire weight
No. g (lb) Ib D mm D in D1 mm D1 in D2 mm D2 in L mm L in L mm L in mm in kg Ib
DIN 500 7650 16.9 500 19.7 315 12.4 36 1.42 250 9.84 189 7.44 0.80 – 1.40 0.031 – 0.05 90 198.4
DIN 355 2380 5.2 355 13.98 224 8.8 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.40 – 1.40 0.016 – 0.05 40 88.2
DIN 250 1050 2.3 250 9.84 160 6.30 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.25 – 1.00 0.010 – 0.039 20 44.1
DIN 200 580 1.3 200 7.87 125 4.92 36 1.42 200 7.87 160 6.30 0.25 – 0.80 0.010 – 0.031 10 22.0
DIN 160 350 0.77 160 6.30 100 3.94 22 0.87 160 2.36 128 5.04 0.20 – 0.80 0.008 – 0.031 6 13.2
DIN 125 200 0.44 125 4.92 80 3.15 16 0.63 125 4.92 100 3.94 0.15 – 0.80 0.006 – 0.031 3 6.6
DIN 100 120 0.26 100 3.94 63 2.48 16 0.63 100 3.94 80 3.15 0.127 – 0.25 0.005 – 0.010 1.5 3.3
DIN 80 60 0.13 80 3.15 50 1.97 16 0.63 80 3.15 64 2.52 0.127 – 0.25 0.005 – 0.010 0.5 1.1