Conversion tables

Catégories: Informations complémentaires

Wire gauge conversion table
Temperature conversion table
Interpolation table
Miscellaneous conversion factors

Wire gauge conversion table

Gauge AWG or B&S SWG
no. mm in mm in
4-0 11.684 0.4600 10.1600 0.4000
3-0 10.404 0.4096 9.4488 0.3720
2-0 9.266 0.3648 8.8392 0.3480
0 8.252 0.3249 8.2296 0.3240
1 7.348 0.2893 7.6200 0.3000
2 6.543 0.2576 7.0104 0.2760
3 5.827 0.2294 6.4008 0.2520
4 5.189 0.2043 5.8928 0.2320
5 4.620 0.1819 5.3848 0.2120
6 4.115 0.1620 4.8768 0.1920
7 3.665 0.1443 4.4704 0.1760
8 3.264 0.1285 4.0640 0.1600
9 2.906 0.1144 3.6576 0.1440
10 2.588 0.1019 3.251 0.1280
11 2.305 0.09074 2.946 0.1160
12 2.053 0.08081 2.642 0.1040
13 1.828 0.07196 2.337 0.0920
14 1.628 0.06408 2.032 0.0800
15 1.450 0.05707 1.829 0.0720
16 1.291 0.05082 1.626 0.0640
17 1.150 0.04526 1.422 0.0560
18 1.024 0.04030 1.219 0.0480
19 0.912 0.03589 1.016 0.0400
20 0.812 0.03196 0.914 0.0360
21 0.723 0.02846 0.813 0.0320
22 0.644 0.02535 0.711 0.0280
23 0.573 0.02257 0.610 0.0240
24 0.511 0.02010 0.559 0.0220
25 0.455 0.01790 0.508 0.0200
26 0.405 0.01594 0.457 0.0180
27 0.361 0.01420 0.417 0.0164
28 0.321 0.01264 0.376 0.0148
29 0.286 0.01126 0.345 0.0136
30 0.255 0.01003 0.315 0.0124
31 0.227 0.008928 0.295 0.0116
32 0.202 0.007950 0.274 0.0108
33 0.180 0.007080 0.254 0.0100
34 0.160 0.006305 0.234 0.00920
35 0.143 0.005615 0.213 0.00840
36 0.127 0.005000 0.193 0.00760
37 0.113 0.004453 0.173 0.00680
38 0.101 0.003965 0.152 0.00600
39 0.0897 0.003531 0.132 0.00520
40 0.0799 0.003145 0.122 0.00480
41 0.0711 0.002800 0.112 0.00440
42 0.0633 0.002494 0.102 0.00400
43 0.0564 0.002221 0.0914 0.00360
44 0.0502 0.001978 0.0813 0.00320
45 0.0447 0.001761 0.0711 0.00280
46 0.0398 0.001568 0.0610 0.00240
47 0.0355 0.001397 0.0508 0.00200
48 0.0316 0.001244 0.0406 0.00160
49 0.0281 0.001108 0.0305 0.00120
50 0.0250 0.000986 0.0254 0.00100
51 0.0203 0.000800 0.0223 0.000878
52 0.0152 0.000600 0.0199 0.000782
53 0.0127 0.000500 0.0177 0.000697
54 0.0102 0.000400 0.0157 0.000620
55 0.0076 0.000300 0.0140 0.000552
56 0.0125 0.000492
57 0.0111 0.000438
58 0.00991 0.000390
59 0.00881 0.000347
60 0.00785 0.000309

Temperature conversion table

The numbers in the middle column indicates the temperature as read. The corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit is given on the right and those in Celsius on the left.

Example: If 10 degrees are read in Celsius, look in the right column and convert it to 50°F. If 10 degrees F is read, look in the left column and convert it to -12.2°C.

Temperature conversion table (PDF document, 66 kB)

Interpolation table

°C °F
0.56 1 1.8
1.11 2 3.6
1.67 3 5.4
2.22 4 7.2
2.78 5 9.0
3.33 6 10.8
3.89 7 12.6
4.44 8 14.4
5.00 9 16.2
5.56 10 18.0

Miscellaneous conversion factors

To convert from To Multiply by
Btu kilo-calorie 0.25200
Btu foot-pound 778.17
Btu joules 1054.0
Btu kilowatt-hour 0.00029307
calorie joule 4.1840
Centigrade Fahrenheit (1.8 x °C) + 32
circular mil square centimeter 0.000005067
circular mil square inch 0.0000007854
circular mil square mil 0.78540
cubic centimeter cubic inch 0.061024
dyne gram 0.0010197
dyne newton 0.00001
dyne pound 0.0000022481
Fahrenheit Centigrade 0.555 x (°F - 32)
gallon (US) (liquid) liter 3.7854
gallon (UK) (liquid) liter 4.54
gallon pint (liquid) 8
gallon quart (liquid) 4
gram ounces (US) (fluid) 0.035274
gram ounce (troy) 0.032151
gram pound 0.0022046
gram/centimeter pound/inch 0.0055997
gram/cubic centimeter ounce/gallon 133.5
gram/cubic centimeter pound/cubic foot 62.428
horsepower kilowatt 0.7457
inch centimeter 2.54
inch mil 1000
joule newtonmeter 1
joule kilo-calorie 0.00023866
kilogram carat 5000
kilogram pound 2.2046
kilogram pounds (troy) 2.6792
kilogram tons(short) 0.0011023
kilogram ton (long) 0.00098421
kilo-calorie kilo-newtonmeter 4.1868
kilo-newtonmeter kilowatt-hour 0.00027
kilowatt Btu/minute 56.878
kilowatt-hour Btu 3413
kilowatt-hour kilo-calorie 860
kilowatt-hour joule 3600000
liter cubic inch 61.023
liter/minute gallon/second 0.0044029
meter inch 39.370
meter yard 1.0936
microinch micrometer 25.4
microinch millimeter 0.0254
micrometer inch 0.000039370
mile foot 5280
millimeter mil 39.370
newton pound-force 0.22481
ohm-circular mil/foot ohm-square mil/foot 1.273
ohm-circular mil/foot ohm-square millimeter/meter 0.00166
ohm-circular mil/foot microohm centimeter 0.16624
ounce pound 0.0625
ounces (US) (fluid) cubic inch 1.8047
ounces (US) (fluid) liter 0.02957
ounce (troy) gram 31.10
ounce (troy) grain 480
ounce (troy) pounds (troy) 0.083333
pound gram 453.59
pound grain 7000
pound kilogram 0.45359
pounds (troy) grain 5760
pounds (troy) gram 373.24
pounds (troy) pound 0.82286
square centimeter square inch 0.15500
square foot square meter 0.092903
square inch square centimeter 6.45
square meter square foot 10.76
square millimeter circular mil 1973.5
square mil circular mil 1.2732
square mil square centimeter 0.0000064516
square mil square inch 0.000001
stone pound 14
watt foot-pound/minute 44.254
watt kilo-calorie/minute 0.014331