Kanthal® APM and Kanthal® APMT FeCrAl alloys
Kanthal® APM and Kanthal® APMT iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) alloys can be used at tube temperatures up to 1,250°C (2,282°F). They offer several advantages compared to other tube materials such as alumina, silicon carbide and nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloys.
- Excellent form stability
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- High thermal conductivity
User benefits include superior resistance to, for example, carburization, thermal shock, sagging and distortion. This is due to the materials' excellent mechanical properties* and their capability of forming a dense and adherent oxide film that protects against corrosion and atmospheric attack. The service life of Kanthal® APM and Kanthal® APMT furnace tubes is often many times longer than that of nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloy-based tubes.
* Kanthal® APMT offers higher hot strength than Kanthal® APM which makes the grade even more resistant to sagging.